We are committed to providing our clients with better candidates quicker. Using Social Media Algorithms, Advanced Internet Research Techniques, a massive database of direct contacts and attention to detail, we improve your hiring process by delivering exceptonal candidates consistently.

Maximize your Resources

Using Bischoff and Associates maximizes your resources, speeds up your business plan, helps you meet your goals by filling the hard to fill Information Technology and Web positions. Bischoff and Associates is a great way to intensify your efforts with no initial investment. Only after you are positively sure you have a great fit and the person you hire is going to make you money and/or save you time do you make the decision to invest.

Highly Vetted Candidates

Studies have proven that recruited candidates consistently outperform candidates that answer employment ads or job postings. Ads attract “lookers” not necessarily talent. There are many reasons that someone may be answering an ad including: laid off, fired, quit etc…. It is easy to see why using Bischoff and Associates to complement your existing efforts is a wise choice when you absolutely need to make something good happen.

Mon-Fri 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M.

Bischoff and Associates. All Right Reserved.


Bischoff and Associates

Targeted Searches

Our creative direct and indirect search approach provides maximum effectiveness and discretion with minimal distraction and hassle.  Our extensive database has been acquired from years of generating relationships with thousands of the top leaders in the I.T., (Web, Networking, Unix, and Database) arena. Our databank along with hundreds of calls each day provides us with an unmatched ability to deliver “hidden candidates” that are happily  working but may once in a while entertain exceptional opportunities should they arise.  We understand that listening and not talking is key to respecting and fullfilling your needs.  We deliver on-time and on-point for critical and urgent positions.  Connecting each candidate, company and interview in a warmer yet more detailed way ensures all the bumps are taken out of the process and creates successful and long lasting outcomes, relationships and results. Our targeted search process increases the number of good interviews and decreases the number of ineffective ones. Challenges are handled more readily - saving you time and money in the hiring process.  This highly focused "niche-centric" approach combined with our ability to probe deeper than a "formal" interview, will reveal personality traits and intimate details about candidates that are an invaluable asset when investing in top talent.

Control the Process

Our clients enjoy a  clear time-saving edge by being able to control the hiring process more directly because they are able to focus their attention on what is important - interviewing the candidates and choosing between the best. This positions you to make the right offer to the best candidates quickly before they are snapped up by the competition. One way to be sure you are making the most of your investment and time spent is to allow our targeted, niche specific, affordable, no risk contingency agreement to work to your advantage and turn mountains of work into simply important decisions about great candidates.  In this manner you control costs, only hire those you need, and fill the most important positions first without being tied to long term commitments.  Calculated, careful, dynamic hiring practices eliminate advertising, talent acquisition costs, consulting fees, endless meetings at the same time reducing paperwork and helping you define and manage your internal HR department.

Bischoff and Associates

Helping Clients grow their Business